New Year’s Resolutions to Share with Your Dog

The New Year is here and what better time to set some resolutions for you and your pup? Whether you have been meaning to spend more time going on walks or bonding by learning new tricks, the start of the year is the perfect time to begin. There are many different ways to spend more quality time with your dog this year, starting with these resolutions.

Trips to the Dog Park

Make a resolution to go to the dog park on a regular basis to play with your pup. This will give you time to bond, while also allowing him to burn off energy and spend some time outdoors. Play fetch, run around the trail or simply sit and enjoy the weather together.

Learn a New Trick

If you have been wanting to teach your dog a new trick, now just might be the time. Spend 20 minutes each day practicing a new trick, such as “spin” with your dog.

Teaching your dog to spin:

  • Hold a treat in front of your dog’s nose. Pull the treat toward the side so he has to turn to see it.
  • Keep pulling the treat around in a circle around your dog’s body.
  • Once your dog has followed the treat in a complete circle, praise him and give him the treat.
  • Once your dog seems to understand the action, add the command word “spin” before.

With a few weeks of practice and a fair amount of treats, your pup will be ready to show off his tricks.

Bring Him on Vacation

Vacations are usually pet-free but that doesn’t mean they always have to be. There are many places that are pet-friendly that would make a great trip for you and your dog to enjoy. Make your way to a coastal city or go camping for the weekend. A little change in environment can help you bond.

Create Art

A canvas, some finger paint and your dog can make for a fun afternoon and a piece of art to remember it. Paw print stamps or “finger painting” is a simple way to involve your pet in a craft. Just don’t forget to use products that won’t irritate your dog’s paws or fur.

Host a Dog Party

When the weather warms up, host a dog party in your backyard. Invite your friends and their pets to enjoy fun treats and games. It is a great way to bond with your dog and your friends all at once.

As you kick off the New Year, make it a point to spend more time with your dog. Helping him switch up his routine will help you bond and improve his overall happiness.

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